The Connected Method®: Stylists Supporting Stylists A New Era of Empowerment

Oct 01, 2024

The beauty industry has long been rooted in competition—the idea that to succeed, you have to outshine the stylist next to you, have the busiest schedule, or pack your books to the brim. But at The Connected Method®, we believe in rewriting that narrative. Our motto, “We believe in loudly supporting each other, instead of silently competing,” represents a movement—one that challenges the old mindset and encourages stylists to stand together, uplift each other, and collectively reach new heights. We’re not just changing the way we do hair; we’re changing the way we support each other.

Shattering the Competitive Mindset

For far too long, the success of a stylist has been measured by how fully booked their schedule is or how many clients they can claim as their own. But let’s be real—does a packed schedule always mean success? Does it reflect your true worth as an artist or your impact on your clients? We believe there’s more to success than being the busiest.

At The Connected Method®, we encourage you to let go of the pressure to outdo everyone else. Instead, we invite you to embrace a new perspective: one where your success is intertwined with the success of others. What if we stopped seeing every other stylist as competition and started seeing them as partners in our growth? Imagine the collective strength we could build, not by stepping over each other, but by lifting each other higher.

The truth is, there is enough room at the top for everyone. Every stylist has something unique to offer, and the beauty of this industry lies in its diversity. When we stop competing in silence and start supporting each other loudly, we create a powerful ripple effect. The success of one doesn’t diminish the success of another—it strengthens the whole.

Collaboration Over Competition

We believe in the power of collaboration. No stylist is an island, and we shouldn’t have to act like we are. Whether you’re a new stylist still building your skills or a seasoned professional with years of experience, there’s always room to learn, grow, and share.

If you see a fellow stylist struggling with a technique, reach out. Offer advice. Share what you know. Don’t hoard your knowledge in fear that helping someone else might lessen your own value—it won’t. True leaders build others up. By offering support, you’re not just strengthening the individual stylist—you’re elevating the entire industry. Every stylist you help is another stylist who can pass that knowledge on, creating a cycle of empowerment.

And it’s not just about techniques. Supporting each other can mean passing along a client who might not be the best fit for you. It takes strength and humility to recognize when someone else could provide a better experience for a client—and doing so doesn’t make you less successful. In fact, it shows a commitment to excellence and to the well-being of both your clients and your peers.

A United Industry is a Stronger Industry

There’s an abundance of clients out there. The world is filled with people seeking beauty professionals they can trust. The truth is, there are more than enough clients for every stylist to thrive. So why compete for every single one? Why not share in the abundance? When we step away from a scarcity mindset and recognize that the success of one stylist doesn’t threaten our own, we create an industry where everyone can win.

Think about it—every time you refer a client to another stylist, or collaborate with a local beauty business, you’re planting seeds for future growth. You’re building relationships based on mutual respect and trust, and you’re creating a network of support that will always have your back.

Imagine an industry where every stylist feels supported, where sharing and collaboration are the norm, not the exception. An industry where we celebrate each other’s victories, not as competition, but as proof that success is possible for us all. That’s the industry we’re building with The Connected Method®.

We Rise Together

“We believe in loudly supporting each other, instead of silently competing.” This isn’t just a motto—it’s a movement. It’s a call to action for every stylist who has ever felt the pressure to do it all alone, who has ever compared themselves to others, or who has ever felt like they weren’t enough. We’re here to tell you that you are enough, and so is every other stylist in this industry.

We rise together when we break free from the competitive mindset and embrace collaboration. When we support one another’s growth, we create a foundation of strength that can’t be shaken by trends, fads, or industry shifts.

The Connected Method® is more than just a hair extension method—it’s a community. A community built on the belief that we all deserve to succeed, and that we can help each other get there. Whether it’s offering advice, sharing clients, or teaming up with other beauty businesses, our focus is always on collective success.

A Call to Action: Let’s Stand Together

So, let’s flip the script on competition. Let’s show the world that in the beauty industry, we don’t need to tear each other down to rise to the top. Instead, we can link arms, raise our voices, and support one another on the journey. Success doesn’t have to be a solo climb—it can be a shared experience, and there’s more than enough room at the top for all of us.

Remember, your success is not threatened by the success of others. In fact, it’s strengthened by it. When we come together as a community of stylists, we create an unstoppable force—a movement of artists, creatives, and visionaries who are united in the pursuit of greatness.

Let’s build each other up, loud and proud. Let’s show the world what happens when stylists support stylists. Because together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone.

The Connected Method® is here to remind you: we rise by lifting others.

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